Gas stoves have swiftly replaced all other cooking devices in our households, over years. They have become an integral part of our kitchens. 

And for this reason, it becomes all the more important to buy the right kind of gas stoves. There are certain things that we need to keep in consideration before we buy a gas stove. 

Asal has been proudly manufacturing the best gas stoves, after thoroughly studying the pros and the cons of existing gas stoves in the market. But we do not want you to believe us blindly. That is why we are leaving you with some important tips, to consider before you select a gas stove and buy it. 

This blog today is dedicated to the tips, “to consider while buying a gas stove”. 

The most vital part of a gas stove is the burners! We should keep our cooking frequency and quantity in mind before we decide on the number of burners our gas stove must have. If you do not cook regularly and your kitchen is not heavily used, you can settle on only two burners, otherwise, there are always 3-burner, 4-burner, and even 5-burner cooktops available. 

And while you decide on the number of burners, also watch out for the distance between the burners. You do not want your pots to sit awkwardly on the stove, due to a lack of space. If there are multiple burners, you should be able to use all of them at once, or the whole purpose of having many burners dies. 

The material burners are made of is another important thing you should ponder over. The burners either come in aluminum or brass and both are equally effective when it comes to the distribution of heat and effectiveness in cooking.   

Brass burners, however, are a little better off than the aluminum ones in terms of corrosion resistance, longevity, and safety. We will advise you to go for the brass burners, even as the choice remains entirely yours.

Nowadays, the gas stoves come in auto-ignition options as well and this is another factor you need to ponder over. The auto-ignition does not require a matchstick or a lighter like a manual ignition gas stove. 

Besides, the auto-ignition gas stove can always be used as a manual one. The point is, do not deny yourself the option of an auto-ignition gas stove. The cost difference is not much and the feature is too good to be ignored. 

The knobs of the gas stove are as important as the burners. Ensure that the knobs look sturdy and well fitted before you buy the vegas stove, for the simple reason that the knobs are the only parts of the gas stove that will bear all the wear and tear, regularly. We do not want to lose a knob leaving the burner useless. 

Style and design are personal choices. At Asal, we prefer the glass-top stoves over steel ones - with bright designs and colors. The glass tops are sturdier than the steel ones as well and can bear heat better. 

We hope that this blog will be helpful for you, the next time you want to buy a cooktop. If you have any other queries, you can reach us through our toll-free number and/or ping us on our social media handles. 

We will be delighted to help you with queries related to home appliances.