Mankind has taken giant leaps when it comes to innovations in the ways we cook. Gas stoves, electric cookers, and heaters have been there for a while - making our lives easier! 

The recent addition of Induction cookers has been nothing less than phenomenal, whatever way you tend to perceive it. We at Asal have been in awe of Induction cookers and that is why we carried out thorough research before we ventured into manufacturing these appliances for your daily use.    

As has been a norm now, we let you in on many things related to home appliances and their upkeep through these weekly blogs of ours. Today, we will be talking about what makes Induction heaters a better choice for our cooking requirements. 

Let me ask you a question first! What is it that we use the cookers for? Heat, isn’t it? 

And when we talk about the Induction heaters, they beat every other heating appliance hands down. They heat faster, provide temperature controls (accurately), and distribute heat evenly right into the pot we are using. 

In a way, we can say that the heat is radiated through the pot and to the food. It does not work like the traditional heaters where heat is first transferred from the source to the pot and then a hot pot transfers it to the contents. Induction heaters are every bit effective. 

But are they safe? Yes! They are way ahead in safety than the counterparts we have been using thus far. The Induction heaters do not heat up, they just radiate heat. They greatly reduce the chances of someone getting burns while cooking. And if you have children at home, then they are a must-have! The cool cooking surface is bliss! 

The questions keep popping up, no? The next question is, are they energy efficient? Yes, they are! 

The Induction heaters are way more energy efficient than any of the other heaters we presently have. They save a great deal of energy by being precise and quick while cooking - and saving energy as well as money in the process. 

We at Asal try to present you the whole picture when we talk about an appliance. There are some cons as well, as far as Induction heaters are concerned, but we think they can be neglected, and we will tell you why! 

The Induction heaters are a little more expensive than other types of heaters, But it is a one-time cost you incur and then you save energy (which translates into money) on a daily basis. We promise you are going to save way more than the extra but you are going to spend. 

Another important aspect is that you need a specific type of cookware to use over Induction heaters as all cookware is not Induction friendly. Again, however, this is a one-time investment that makes your cooking safe, efficient, and energy-saving. And we think it is worth the money. 

We hope we have addressed all your concerns and questions regarding induction heaters. If you have any further questions, please let us know through our toll-free number and/or our social media handles. 

We will be pleased to answer any and all of your questions regarding Induction heaters as well as any other appliances you are planning to buy. 

Remember, Asal products are available in all leading stores across North India, particularly in Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, and Delhi.