Keeping warm and safe during colder months of the year also means keeping ourselves safe from the perils of heating appliances. Heating appliances like hot water bottles,electric blankets, geysers and gas heaters can cause burns, electric shock, injuries, suffocation and even fire.Since incidents of fire are common during winters. Therefore, it is always advised to use all the heating appliances with utmost care and safety measures so as to avoid any kind of unwanted accidents. While all these equipment are useful to us in many ways, you cannot ignore the danger associated with it.

Here are some tips to use there heating appliances carefully:

Availability of running hot water during winters is our top priority. And geysers have made things easier for us. But electric water heating appliances should be used with utmost care and safety. Since water is a good conductor of electricity.It can cause electric shocks and short circuits.If the earthing is not proper or if the bathroom wiring or geyser are faulty it can be dangerous.There have been several incidents where people have lost their lives due to electric shock from a geyser and one of the reasons found is the corrosion. The metal of the heating element corrodes over the period of time which can leak electric current directly into water. Aso if the wiring is not done properly,the electric current can pass through unintended parts of the equipment and can cause electric shock.Therefore it becomes necessary to keep a check on the maintenance of these appliances.

Heaters warm up the room quickly and keep the room warm and cosy while maintaining the heat for a longer period of time. But the long term exposure to gas heaters can lead to serious health problems. While using any kind of gas appliance it is important to consider the ventilation of the place where it is being used.Gas heating appliances emit carbon monoxide and high levels of carbon monoxide in the air can be life threatening. Children, pregnant women, older people and people with chronic heart and lung diseases are at high risk. Unflued gas heating appliances may cause carbon monoxide poisoning which can lead to death. Some of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, dizziness, nausea and chest pain. Since children are curious to discover new things around them, if subjected to a gas heater unwatched can lead to mishaps. Therefore it becomes important to keep watch over them to prevent any kind of mishaps.

However a properly installed and well-maintained gas heater can never be bad for your health. But health issues can arise when there is a fault resulting from an poorly maintained gas heater. Moreover wear and tear of the appliance cannot be avoided and if the gas heater is old enough,it is better to replace it in the due course of time.

It is important to know that we should never leave electrical appliances unattended for a long time or run them over night while you are asleep.Always remember to switch off and unplug the appliance when not in use or before you go to bed.These devices draw a lot of power thus increasing the chances of overheating of the circuit which can cause electric shock or even catch fire.

Damaged or old Electric heating elements, thermostats and power supplies should be replaced to avoid any mishaps. Any appliance powered by gas or any other fuel, if not maintained, can develop leaks which could induce a flame into the environment and can cause deadly accidents. Moreover, exposure to the toxic gas leaks can be hazardous to respiratory health, in addition to fire risks.

Poor condition of the appliance can jeopardise your life and belongings.Therefore proper maintenance becomes necessary for the safe functioning of all these appliances.

In case you need any other information or have any questions regarding the heat appliances or any other home appliances, you can reach us through our toll-free number or any of our social media handles. We will be glad to help you choose better for your homes.