Clean and safe drinking water is one of the essential things in life. The quality of the water in our home plays an integral role in ensuring the safety of our family. Drinking clean and pure water is only possible if you have a water purifying system at home. Water purifiers play a vital role in offering water free from germs and impurities. These water purifiers process with reverse osmosis, UV and UF in multiple stages and ensure 100% purity of the water. The technologically advanced RO water purifiers go through multiple purification processes to remove dissolved and suspended impurities from water. Therefore always choose the best quality water purifier because water is something we can never compromise over. 

Like any other appliance, a water purifier also needs timely maintenance. With proper maintenance and care, water purifiers can last longer and also keep providing clean and safe drinking water. We at Asal advise you to consult your service provider for water purifier maintenance at least once a year in order to enhance longevity. In today’s blog, we will be sharing some easy and effective maintenance tips for water purifiers that will help you to keep your water purifiers in good condition.

Changing the filters:

The most integral part of the RO purifier is the filter and it requires regular cleaning in order to get pure and impurity-free drinking water. A water purifier becomes loaded up with pollutants and hampers its working. Due course of time membrane pores of RO gets blocked due to dirt particles, therefore, we at Asal advise you to check with the service provider if you notice any foul taste or smell in the water from your RO.

Drip or Leakages:

If you notice any kind of leakage in your RO, then it is advised to get that fixed immediately by an expert. The leakage can damage other parts of the water purifier thus affecting the working of the purifiers. Consequently reducing the life of the RO.

Annual Maintenance Contract:

A good quality water purifier comes with an annual maintenance contract which is an easy and convenient way to maintain the appliance.

Slow water flow:

If your water purifier is releasing purified water very slowly that could be because of low volume or low water pressure or any kind of malfunction in the storage tank of the purifier. An RO water purifier needs a minimum pressure of 40 to 60 PSI (Pounds Per Square Inch) to operate properly. Another reason could be the high sediment content on the filter which can further lead to low water pressure. In that case, you must get your purifier checked by an expert.

Also if you and your family like to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, then we would suggest you collect water in some container. Frequent opening and closing of the RO faucet can cause damage to it and replacing it can cause inconvenience.

Watch out for the mineral content of your water supply as it may cause a metallic taste in water which could be hazardous for health. Therefore after regular intervals of time proper sanitation must be ensured.

Catching the signs of damage early and getting it fixed at the earliest can ensure the proper working of the purifier for the longest time.

In case you need any other information or have any questions regarding the heat appliances or any other home appliances, you can reach us through our toll-free number or any of our social media handles. We will be glad to help you choose better for your homes.