Safety, longevity and efficiency of Asal Appliances:

We at Asal endeavour to create a lifestyle that is smart, sustainable and stylish. Asal appliances are designed to seamlessly integrate with your home and enhance your daily chores. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation to bring you the latest and greatest in home appliances. Asal understands the importance of having an appliance that you can rely on, that is why we provide outstanding customer service and support to ensure that your appliance works flawlessly for years to come. We at Asal also keep constantly working on our customer feedback and improving our products to meet the changing needs.

In this series of blogs, we are getting you acquainted with some of our best-selling products, which have been instrumental in making life easier for our customers across India. In this blog, we will be talking about the Asal Gas cooktops and their upkeep.

Gas tops

Cooking is a chaotic process and gas tops for kitchens often get the brunt of spills, grates and other messes. They provide an efficient and reliable source of heat for cooking and are relatively easy to use. Since gas cooktop is one of the important appliances in our household it becomes essential to keep them well-maintained to ensure they function properly and safely. 

However, like any other appliance, gas tops require regular maintenance to ensure that they function properly and safely. In this blog, we will discuss some tips for keeping gas cooktops in good condition.

Clean the cooktop regularly: 

Over a period of time, food spills and grease can build up on the cooktop affecting its performance and appearance. We at Asal suggest you use a soft cloth or sponge with mild cleaner and water to clean the cooktop after each use. Also, avoid using abrasive cleaners or steel wool, as they can scratch the surface of the cooktop.

Remove and clean burner grates: 

Burner grates can become clogged with food particles and debris, which can reduce the efficiency of the burners. Therefore the grates must be removed and cleaned with hot, soapy water. In case of stubborn stains, you can use a non-abrasive cleaner or a paste made of baking soda and water.

Check and clean burner ports: 

Over time, burner ports can become clogged with food spills, causing uneven flames or difficulty igniting the burner. In order to clean out the ports you can use a pin or needle and clean it carefully without causing any damage to them.

Check for gas leaks: 

A gas leak can be dangerous therefore it is important to check the gas top for leaks or other issues at regular intervals of time. If you ever notice any strange smell around the gas cooktop then Asal suggests to immediately stop using the gas top until getting it repaired or replaced altogether.

By taking care of the things mentioned in this blog, you can enjoy safe and efficient cooking for years to come.

If you know any other tips regarding the maintenance of Gas cooktops, we would love to know about them! Share with us on our social media handles or in case you need any other information regarding our Gas cooktops or any other home appliances, you can reach us through our toll-free number or any of our social media handles. We will be glad to help you choose better for your homes.